2013 Galway Lake Drawdown Notice

September 5, 2013

Dear GLCA Member,

RE: Fall 2013 Lake Drawdown

During the summer of 2013, we experienced a significant increase in weed growth within the littoral zone of several areas of the lake. The Lake Preservation Committee has worked on this issue and thinks that this rapid change from 2012 to 2013 as a result of significant nutrient loading of the lake.

During the spring and early summer of 2013, we experienced an increase in rainfall that allowed a significant amount of the free nutrients within the watershed of Galway Lake to enter the lake. This combined with the clear water conditions and sun that followed provided ideal conditions for the rapid growth of weeds we experienced this year.

By the first week in August, we noticed that the weeds in many areas of the lake started to die back. We believe this was most likely the result of the free nutrients within the water column being diminished by the weed growth that had previously happened. By late summer this was evident within many areas of the lake.

The Lake Preservation Committee has researched the best method to address this issue and has determined that a deeper than normal drawdown that starts earlier in the season to allow for the sediment in the littoral zone to be dried out before freezing will help to impact the weed growth in the littoral zone. During the September 1, 2013 meeting of the GLCA Board of Directors, a motion was brought forth and passed to allow for this deeper and earlier than normal drawdown. We understand that this will impact the usability of the lake this fall, but feel the benefits to the lake’s ecology outweigh the recreational impact we will all experience this fall. Kurt Ladu will also be available to help those of you who need aid in removing your boats via the GLCA Boat Launch during this drawdown. Kurt can be reached at (518) 269-0397.

The 2013 drawdown will begin on September 15, 2013, at which time we will commence a 1’ drawdown at 2” per day. We will then hold the lake until October 1, 2013, when we will commence a drawdown at a rate of 2” per day until we have lowered the lake another 6’ for a total drawdown of 7’. The lake will then be held at this level until the first significant snowfall upon which we will refill the lake to a level of 18.5’. The lake will then be held at approximately 18.5’ until the ice has left the lake and we can fill to the summer level of 20.65’.

Please remember that we can all help the lake by reducing the quantity of nutrients entering the lake. There are several documents on the GLCA website that can help you to better understand the role we all are playing in the health of Galway Lake. The Darrin Fresh Water Institute Reports and those of the GLCA Lake Preservation Committee including the Integrated Lake Management Plan for Galway Lake are valuable resources that you can refer to on the website. The GLCA website is located at http://www.galwaylakeassociation.com and will be updated throughout the drawdown and refill process.


J. Glen Rundell,

Drawdown Letter dated October 10, 2010