Reminder October 1, 2023 Drawdown

We wanted to remind you that this year’s drawdown will commence on October 1, 2023. Please remember to schedule any services needed to help you pull your boat out early this year as the lake will drop approximately two (2) inches per day. Planning ahead will help as there is limited capacity at the boat launch and we currently have many boats that use the launch each year.

Kurt Ladu’s phone number has been updated on the Contact Us page. Should you need to reach him please reference his new number.

Tales of Galway Lake – 2023 Edition

September 2, 2023 – GLCA Board Meeting Summary

GLCA Board Meeting Summary: September 2, 2023

Deep drawdown this fall: Plans, as previously announced to the membership, are underway for the deep drawdown of the lake this fall for weed control. The drawdown of 10 feet will begin October 1 and will be complete in late November to allow sediment to dry prior to deep freeze. This information has been sent to current members and is posted on the GLCA website. Members are reminded to make arrangements for their pontoon boat and dock removals, as the October 1 start date is three weeks earlier than last year’s regular drawdown.

Lake preservation: Glen Rundell, newly appointed to chair the Lake Preservation Committee, reported that water testing is continuing. GLCA participates in the Citizens Statewide Assessment Program (CSLAP), a volunteer lake monitoring and education program managed cooperatively by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and NYS Federation of Lake Associations to help understand lake conditions and use the data to aid in lake management plans. He also reported that the Preservation Committee is updating the GLCA lake management plan.

The Board discussed the importance of boat washing (clean, drain, dry) prior to placement in the lake for boats that visitors, renters, and others are bringing from other bodies of water. This includes kayaks and paddle boards as well as larger boats. Also discussed were invasive plants on shore, such as the Japanese knotweed, which needs to be bagged or similarly removed to keep the plants from resprouting. Members were encouraged to take advantage of the Association’s pump-out program with Odorless Sanitary Cleaners.

Lake level: Kurt Ladu reported that, at the time of this meeting, the lake was full at 20.68 feet. The Board thanked him for his work managing the lake levels in this season of frequent rainfall.

Conservation: Ed Piotrowski reported that he and others are seeing healthy fish. He noted that the fishing tournament serves as a good education resource, in addition to being a fun event that brings together campers of all ages.

Facilities/real property: David Hennel reported that downed or damaged trees are being identified for removal and plans are in the works for maintenance on the tube lining of the dam structure.

Finances and insurance: Updating the Board from the last meeting, Secretary-Treasurer Peter Zakriskian announced that a new liability carrier has been secured since the current company is exiting the business of insuring dams such as the Galway Lake dam. The new insurance has a modest increase in cost that was anticipated in the budget, given the trend of higher insurance costs generally. Appreciation was expressed by the Board for his work in the search process and for securing a new carrier at this rate in these challenging times. He also reported that 87% of the 2023 dues had been received to date, compared to 81% last year at this time.

Membership Engagement: Hasna Kaddo reported that the GLCA’s participation with a float in the August 26 parade for the Galway Fire Company’s 100th anniversary was very successful. She thanked the volunteers for this project. In other events, the tales from the storytelling time are being compiled in a booklet that will be available on the GLCA website and other venues. The fishing tournament and Bruce Rowell’s geology and ecology talks on the lake and at Ruback’s pavilion were popular.

Questions: Contact John Buhrmaster, President, or the director from your Grove.